The Take it Ease Sea house is located on Great Exuma near the settlement of Jolly Hall. Centrally located to downtown George Town & many attractions and restaurants. The house is 15 minutes from the Exuma International Airport outside in George Town, airport code GGT. GGT has direct jet connections from Atlanta, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Toronto, and Nassau. The small airport makes it easy and quick getting in and out. Below are the cities that have flights directly into Great Exuma (check their websites for schedule updates).
From Atlanta - Delta. About 2 hours and 20 minutes
From Miami - American. About 1 hour
From Charlotte - American. About 2 hours and 20 minutes.
From Ft. Lauderdale - Silver Airways (affiliated with United). About 1 hour
From Toronto - Air Canada About 3 hours and 30 minutes
From Nassau - Western Air and BahamasAir-30 minutes

*A passport is required for entry into the Bahamas*
For guests making a connecting flight in Nassau it's recommended you allow 2 hours as you clear customs before you board your flight to Exuma.
Rental Cars
Once you arrive, we recommend that you get a rental car so you can explore Exuma. Our preferred is Thompson's Car Rental. Most rental companies have a presence at the Airport or will park your rental in the airport parking lot to make it convenient for you. Renters must be over 25 years of age and possess a valid driver’s license and a major credit card.
Driving directions from the Airport to The Take it Ease Sea house:
Exiting the airport turn East, right on round about, from the airport on Queens Highways, it is one straight road. Use Smitty’s food store and CNK Liquor store as the land mark. Both on left hand side of road. Continue passing the little curve of road and the Take It Ease Sea is the 3rd house on the left-hand side of the road. Take it Ease Sea sign is on the road.